Shellett's major shareholder's additional subscription highlights confidence

Chen Wright, the second shareholder of Shell Wright, no longer participates in the non-public issuance of this stock. The original promised amount of not less than 50 million is supplemented by Chai Guosheng, the controlling shareholder of the company, with a lock-up period of 3 years, highlighting the company's major shareholders' future development. Optimistic and strong confidence.

Subsidiary Manta smart positioning is clear, focusing on small consumer-grade drones, avoiding competition with Xinjiang

The company has a clear positioning and concentrates on the development of miniaturized consumer-grade UAVs. It is committed to making the aerial drones portable and low-cost, which will form a differentiated competition with the current high-end aerial drones in DJI.

A variety of small consumer-grade drones are expected to be launched one after another, and sales volume is worth looking forward to.

The company's M5 miniaturized drone is expected to be available soon, and it is expected to launch a number of iterative products in succession. The compact and portable drone is expected to become a self-timer artifact. The product price is expected to be around 2,000 yuan, and the cost-effective small consumer-grade UAV will be expected to become the explosion this year.

The huge miniaturized consumer-grade drone market is just getting started, and the first-mover advantage is the key to success.

The current consumer-grade UAV market is mainly concentrated in the aerial enthusiasts, the products are still difficult to be portable, and the high price of the superimposed factors hinders their penetration into the general consumer groups. At present, the United States is very enthusiastic about portable and compact drones. Many similar products crowdfunding are popular, but what is lacking now is not the market, but the drone products that can really achieve mass production. This year, Manta smart small drones are expected to break the deadlock, we will wait and see.

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